02 January 2012

1st entry for year 2012

Well, well.. here we are. Dah taun baru kita tok eh. Wish everyone Happy New Year 2012. Hope this new year bring us more good things. Fun, joy, good health, good money, and good in everything. Taun baru tok, aku harap will be better than last year. Bukan nak madah taun lepas aku sik bagus, nya bagus.. im always grateful for what i have.. walaupun familyaku sik kaya raya, at least mekorg sikda la berlapar and sik idup susah. Im always happy & grateful for family i have. My lovely parents, bro, sis, sis in law, our 3 little ones, my aunts, uncle and my fellow cousins & relatives. My frens, walaupun kwn ku sik banyak, tp nok ada ya dah cukup menghappy kan aku.. yeay!! and my Mr.love, im glad to have him around. Love u!! It's such a bliss to have all these  people around. And my job, walaupun gaji kecik, tp at least aku sik jobless, hehe.. But for this year, aku mok kerja yg gaji besar gik.. I need more cash!! cash!!!.. So, im planning to look for a new job. Kerja apa? sik tauk gik.. Yg penting aku mok cari kerja. Hmmm, pa gik oww. Oh ya, taun tok aku mesti mok maintain good health & loss some weight. Sik kira, aku mok berusaha utk slim down. Dapat kah aku?? Hahaha.. akan ku cuba usahakan.. Apa gik oww, banyak lah sbenarnya lam otak ku tok, tp sikpat ku nak mker buat masa tok sebab mata ku dah ngantok.. Yg penting, aku mok lebih optimistic. 



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